01 December 2008

Originally posted at my old blog geekcyclist.blogspot.com

I am long past due for an update to this blog. Part of my lack of motivation is knowing that most of the people who subscribe via various readers came here for the cycling posts. Unfortunately, other than my sporadic attempts to attend my local spinning class, I have reverted to near non-cyclist status.

This is not my preferred lifestyle, but represents a trade-off based on life long passions and priorities. Perhaps a little history is in order…

Many, many years ago in the very late years of the fabulous decade commonly referred to as the ’80s’, I met a fabulous woman. This woman became my wife, and led me to exclaim jokingly that in my life, she ranked right up there with Basketball and Subway Sandwiches. While she is clearly (at least I hope it’s clear to people other than me, and to her most of all) at the top of my list, basketball remains a deep love, one that after years of devotion has come to return my favor.

####My New Gig About two months ago I was approached by the head coach of my son’s high school basketball team about the possibility of joining his staff. It took several weeks of negotiations with family, bosses and my own insecurities, but approximately 3 weeks ago I became an assistant basketball coach and the head (read ‘only’) sophomore basketball coach for the high school. I run practice for 2-2.5 hours after my regular job each day, and will be on the bench for 20 soph, 21 JV and 21 varsity games.

This is truly a labor of love, because so far all I have been paid is 4 t-shirts and a pair of shorts. I am sure that the income will never come close to the costs. It probably won’t even cover my gas money for the season. But already, having lost our first game by 20, and watching as the varsity lost by 50 to one of the premier programs in the state, I can’t help but smile and say to myself, “Tomorrow is going to be a great day…I get to coach basketball again.”

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